Family Kastsiuk
 30.04.2012г. - Rodions Diary - Дневник Родиона -Rodions Tagebuch
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JuliДата: Понедельник, 2012-04-30, 4:04 PM | Сообщение # 1
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Dear friends, we have decided to create a forum where we could write about the state of Rodion at this moment. When he wakes up we will be able to show him how many miracles God has done for him.

Accident happened on March 9 at about 23.56 in the Aqua Park in small belarussian sity Kobrin. for unknown reasons Rodion fell from a hill at the level of 4-5 meters on a concrete floor.

Ambulance arrived within 19 minutes and he was taken to regional hospital in Kobrin, where in 4 hours craniotomy was done.

We dont have diagnosis of Kobrin hospital.
03/12 by request of relatives with risk Rodion was transported to the regional hospital in Brest.

He was taken to reanimation in in coma II
On 03/12/2012 following diagnos was made:
"Combined injury: Open severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). Bruising of the brain with a crushing right lobe of temporal. Spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Fracture of vault and skull base. Fracture of articular processes C6-C7."

Then on 14/03 Wednesday he had surgical treatment "infratemporal craniotomy; resection of the crush-injury of temporal lobe on the right"
Great thanks to all Gods children who was in prayers with us on this day! Doctors were surprised that the brain wasnt like "porridge". He said it held together. Thanking God!

03/16 they have put Rodion a probe and started giving him extra food via it.
up to 03/22 anything didnt change, Rodion layed without any moving...we felt that there is no hope.
but 03/23 on the 14th day of coma Rodion OPENED his left eye! This was first sign of returning of any vital functions.
04/02 doctors observed movement in right arm and leg.
05/04 on his birthday he began to breathe! What a gift! Thank God!
04/07 he began to move his left hand. Predictions of doctors about paralyzed left sidewere fake! A MIRACLE! WHAT AN AWESOME GOD WE TRUST IN!
04/04 on 36 day coma Rodion doctors said that he is in apallichesky syndrome now.
04/19 Rodion began to open right eye!
07/23 we have purchased and brought from Germany Perative (type of tube feeding from Abbott company)
04/26 gastrostomy was placed on the stomach for artificial feeding.
27/04 on 49th day of coma, doctors said that there are some glimmers of consciousness! What a blessing! THANK YOU GOD!!

skype: julikagirl
JuliДата: Четверг, 2012-05-03, 0:29 AM | Сообщение # 2
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today Rodion was moved to regular Brest hospital №6. He is still in reanimation. But they say they cant have him in reanimation that long.. its 53 days already. We think that soon we will need to look after him.

PRAY that God help us and recover him!

skype: julikagirl
kastsiukДата: Суббота, 2012-05-05, 0:20 AM | Сообщение # 3
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doctors did not move Rodion from intensive care.. But today he have raised his head a little! Praise God!
JuliДата: Среда, 2012-05-09, 9:32 PM | Сообщение # 4
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Some friends ask us whether Rodion is in mind. We do not know. Doctors describe his condition as apallichesky syndrome. But we doubt of the correctness of of this diagnosis because sometimes Rodion do commands. We hope he hears us but in what condition his consciousness right now we do not know.. Please continue to pray that he starts swallow

skype: julikagirl
JuliДата: Понедельник, 2012-05-21, 9:49 AM | Сообщение # 5
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Friends, thank you very much for your prayers. Our God is greatest! It seems that Rodion understands everything. He is still lying but we try to teach him how to sit. His left side of body requires intensive work and his mouth is clamped so we continue to feed him through gastrostomy. What we have is a great mercy of God! Please continue to pray for Rodions health and his soul.
May God bless you!

skype: julikagirl
JuliДата: Понедельник, 2012-06-11, 1:25 AM | Сообщение # 6
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skype: julikagirl
JuliДата: Пятница, 2012-11-09, 6:13 PM | Сообщение # 7
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Dear friends, We thank you for prayers for Rodion! His life is a proof of God's grace and miracles. Sorry or not updating this page for a long time.
He is with us at home, and we enjoy the opportunity of being together! Last month, we did not go to the hospital because Rodion began to have seizures. This is a consequence of the injury, but we hope that they will pass. Now the attacks are suppressed by strong medications, but they happen..
Rodion already can stand on his own, thank God!
Functioning of his face has slightly improved and he can open his mouth wider. Although he dont have chewing and swallowing reflex. He have gastrostomy, but we try to feed semi-eating, mashed potatoes, cereals through the mouth.
Not speeking but he communicates with us by typing questions and answers on the keyboard.
Balance ofhis body has not appeared. But sometimes when he feels good he can make 2-3 steps. The left side generally better he operates itforabout 80 percent.

He gets tired quickly but always smiling! Thanks God for the opportunity to live and believes that God can heal him completely!

Continue to pray for Rodion!
He needs your prayers.
God bless you!

skype: julikagirl
JuliДата: Среда, 2012-11-14, 2:42 AM | Сообщение # 8
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Learning to walk! Rodion can do 2-3 steps himself! Praise Lord!

skype: julikagirl
juliaДата: Пятница, 2013-11-01, 0:38 AM | Сообщение # 9
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It's been more than a year and half since the daythat changed our lives. Rodion learned a lot and we thank God for Rodion's cheerful character and his great patience.

Since thebeginning of 2013 Rodion got frequently epileptic seizures. This hampers the attempts for rehabilitation. During the attack, a lot of braincells are destroyed. It takes each time a few days to recover towards the condition as it was before the attack. The rehabilitation is due to that reason restricted to the minimum and we don't see much progress.

Rodion is ableto stand and to make steps with our assistance. He cannot make steps on its own due to a disturbed vestibular. When Rodion walks, the right side of his body pulls, but compared to his physical state and what he had in the past, this
condition is good!

Theoptometrist said that it is already a miracle that Rodion can see half with his right eye.
He eats through a gastrostomy tube and partly by using the mouth. Eating is problematic, the tongue and lips cannot move and the larynx and pharynx don't react on impulses of the brain. Rodion eats basically mashed potatoes and porridge.
With the description above you can imagine that he cannot speak, due to a not working articulation function. He can only produce sounds like 'ummm' and 'aaa'.

Friends, I amwriting this information so you can continue to pray and pray for Rodion. Also in hospital we often meet people who have a physical handicap. They are lonely now, have no sense in life and don't have hope in God. Please pray for them as well.

..for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of theworld.
But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursuerighteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.
Fight the good fight of the faith.
 Take hold of the eternal life to which you werecalled...
1 Timothy 6:7,11,12

If you have any suggestions onhow we can help Rodion we will be glad to know them.
skype: julikagirl
juliaДата: Понедельник, 2014-09-08, 11:07 PM | Сообщение # 10
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This is Rodions letter to youth that was read to youth in Brest

Dear Friends. 
I want to tell you how I got saved by God and found peace for my soul. I began to think of God only with paralyzed side of the body in the intensive care. God has given me everything to come to Him but I didn’t listen to Him. And it was his last attempt to reach out to me. 
The story of my life is quite simple. I was born in a Christian family. I have 6 sisters and a brother. I was the eighth child in my family. When I was 1.5 years old my father died in a car accident. We were raised by our mother who was both a father and a mother to us. I was a bad child; one of those who loved back desks at school, to fight, to make a row. This is how I grew up. The church seemed wrong to me. I didnt understand why there were so many restrictions and over time, I tried to miss services. After I started working and having my own money I started smoking, and sometimes I drank beer. It seemed normal to me and why not? Later I began to constantly smoke and drink. Often I didn‘t come home to sleep and went to church only on Christian holidays. One day my mother told me that she would ask at church to pray for me. I was angry at her and said that I will never go there after this.
Since that time, I stopped attending meetings. I left my Christian friends and forgot about God. For me, it was normal to leave house on Friday and spend all weekend drinking with friends. God spoke to me through the death of my friends. One friend was killed, the other took someone else's car and while running away from police crashed, a third drowned while being drunk. But this did not lead me to any thoughts about God. I started to look for an apartment to get away from the family. My plans for life were big.
On march 8, 2012 my mother was reading the Bible and looked at promises of God when she was reading Psalm 67: "The Father of orphans and judge of the widows is God in his holy habitation." When my mother was praying to God she said that she was powerless to do something with me. She believes in His promises and handed me into the hands of God and requested for Him to save my soul. The next day, I fell in the water park on an upside down slide from a height of 5 meters. Relatives immediately were called because the doctors expected that I would not live more then a couple of hours. The neurosurgeon from Brest was not in hurry to call for the same reason. After the surgery my mother asked what percent chance he gives for me to live. He replied, "now instead of brains he has porridge," but my family and many churches prayed for me; basically for God to save my soul. Because there were no chances for survival. Later I was transferred to Brest. The brain was removed in 3 places and I was in a deep coma. My diagnosis at that time was: Open severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), brain injury with crushed right temporal lobe, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), fracture of vault and skull base, and fracture of articular processes C6-C7.
I was in coma for 57 days, and I do not remember anything and did not see anything. When I came to consciousness I did not understand what had happened to me and waited for a quick recovery, to return to my former life. But time passed and I was still lying in bed. While lying in hospital bed, with paralyzed half of body, I seriously began to think about God and I began to pray to God. He was doing his work through my family. They worked with my body, searched different healing techniques, and bought expensive nutrition so that brain can recover. They worked day and night with me and 3 months later we were discharged from the hospital. My condition was not the best but those who are connected with medicine will understand that this is a miracle that I was alive. I could not walk and was driven in a wheel-chair. My mouth and throat were completely paralyzed. Family tried to spoon-feed me but it was difficult and I basically received food directly into the stomach through a gastrostomy. I thank God my mind remained untouched. I remember everything and everybody. God loves me very much. 
Even now I still can not chew, and still swallow very bad. All this makes eating difficult. I still have gastrostomy but I can very slowly swallow semi-liquid food. Its hard for me to walk. But I believe that God will heal me and I will be able to eat normally, and most importantly praise Him with my voice.
juliaДата: Воскресенье, 2015-05-03, 2:17 PM | Сообщение # 11
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As always we need your prayer support. Now we moved Rodion to France where we hope to find help for him. Pray that God open doors and hearts of people to help our brother. Thank you for being with us.
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